Kids Book Pick: Fussy Eaters and Poor Ole Mom
Children's picture book recommendations for preschoolers and beyond
Children’s Library Book Picks is a weekly newsletter featuring one favorite children’s picture book from the library stacks. It is enthusiastically approved by a journalist, bibliophile mother and her preschooler son.
Moms of picky eaters will delight in this silly tale
“The Seven Silly Eaters” by Mary Ann Hoberman (Author), Marla Frazee (Illustrator)
Publish date: 2000
This story made me laugh out loud at the relatable absurdity of catering to children’s palates. The mother, at first sweet and accommodating, quickly deteriorates into a haggard and rundown version of herself as each of her many children demands a different dish.
Publisher’s description: “Peter only wants milk, Lucy insists on pink lemonade, and Jack is stuck on applesauce. Each new addition to the Peters clan brings another demand for a special dish. Mrs. Peters, loving mother that she is, does her best to fulfill each new request but the preparations get to be exhausting. It isn’t until her birthday arrives that an unexpected present from her seven youngsters solves her problem and surprises them all.”
What I liked: The drawings are intensely detailed, capturing the attention of my son for long enough for me to read lengthy verses. The text has a musical cadence and rhyme, making it a delight to read aloud.
What my preschooler liked: Any book with food in it is a hit with my son, so he paid rapt attention to these pages overflowing with things to eat. He also laughed at the mess everyone was making, and squealed with pleasure at the unexpected creation of the cake at the end.